The Discovery of the Art of the Insane the New York Review of Books May 29 2003 Vol 50 8

1962 novel by Vladimir Nabokov

Pale Fire
Nabokov Pale Fire.jpg

First US edition of Pale Fire

Author Vladimir Nabokov
Country United States
Language English
Publisher 1000. P. Putnam's Sons

Publication appointment

1962 (corrected edition first published by Vintage International, 1989)
Pages 315
OCLC 289702

Stake Burn is a 1962 novel by Vladimir Nabokov. The novel is presented every bit a 999-line verse form titled "Stake Fire", written past the fictional poet John Shade, with a foreword, lengthy commentary and index written past Shade'due south neighbor and academic colleague, Charles Kinbote. Together these elements course a narrative in which both fictional authors are primal characters. Nabokov wrote Pale Fire in 1960–61, after the success of Lolita had made him financially independent, allowing him to retire from pedagogy and return to Europe.[1] [ii] Information technology was commenced in Overnice and completed in Montreux, Switzerland.[3]

Pale Burn has spawned a wide diverseness of interpretations and a large body of written criticism, which Finnish literary scholar Pekka Tammi [fi] estimated in 1995 every bit more than 80 studies.[4] The Nabokov authority Brian Boyd has called it "Nabokov's about perfect novel",[5] and the critic Harold Bloom called information technology "the surest sit-in of his own genius ... that remarkable tour de forcefulness".[6] Information technology was ranked 53rd on the list of the Modernistic Library 100 Best Novels and 1st on the American literary critic Larry McCaffery's 20th Century'south Greatest Hits: 100 English-Language Books of Fiction.

Novel structure [edit]

Starting with the epigraph and tabular array of contents, Stake Fire looks like the publication of a 999-line poem in four cantos ("Pale Burn") by the fictional John Shade with a foreword, extensive commentary, and index by his self-appointed editor, Charles Kinbote. Kinbote's commentary takes the form of notes to various numbered lines of the poem. Hither and in the rest of his critical appliance, Kinbote explicates the poem very little. Focusing instead on his ain concerns, he divulges what proves to exist the plot slice past piece, some of which can be connected by following the many cross-references. Espen Aarseth noted that Stake Fire "tin can be read either unicursally, straight through, or multicursally, jumping between the comments and the poem."[7] Thus, although the narration is not-linear and multidimensional, the reader can still choose to read the novel in a linear manner without risking misinterpretation.

The novel's unusual structure has attracted much attention, and it is often cited every bit an important example of metafiction;[8] [9] [10] information technology has also been called a poioumenon.[xi] The connection between Pale Burn down and hypertext was stated soon after its publication; in 1969, the information-technology researcher Ted Nelson obtained permission from the novel'due south publishers to use it for a hypertext demonstration at Brownish University.[12] A 2009 paper also compares Stake Burn to hypertext.[13]

The interaction betwixt Kinbote and Shade takes place in the fictitious small college town of New Wye, Appalachia, where they live beyond a lane from each other, from February to July 1959. Kinbote writes his commentary from then to October 1959 in a tourist cabin in the as fictitious western boondocks of Cedarn, Utana. Both authors recount many earlier events, Shade mostly in New Wye and Kinbote in New Wye and in Europe, especially the "distant northern land" of Zembla.

Plot summary [edit]

Shade's poem digressively describes many aspects of his life. Canto 1 includes his early on encounters with death and glimpses of what he takes to exist the supernatural. Canto ii is about his family and the apparent suicide of his daughter, Hazel Shade. Canto 3 focuses on Shade'due south search for knowledge about an afterlife, culminating in a "faint promise" in higher powers "playing a game of worlds" as indicated by credible coincidences. Canto four offers details on Shade's daily life and creative procedure, every bit well as thoughts on his poetry, which he finds to be a means of somehow understanding the universe.

In Kinbote's editorial contributions he tells iii stories intermixed with each other. 1 is his ain story, notably including what he thinks of as his friendship with Shade. Afterward Shade was murdered, Kinbote acquired the manuscript, including some variants, and has taken it upon himself to oversee the poem's publication, telling readers that it lacks merely line 1000. Kinbote's 2d story deals with King Charles Two, "The Beloved", the deposed rex of Zembla. King Charles escaped imprisonment by Soviet-backed revolutionaries, making use of a hole-and-corner passage and brave adherents in disguise. Kinbote repeatedly claims that he inspired Shade to write the poem past recounting King Charles's escape to him and that possible allusions to the male monarch, and to Zembla, appear in Shade'southward poem, especially in rejected drafts. All the same, no explicit reference to King Charles is to exist found in the poem. Kinbote'due south 3rd story is that of Gradus, an assassin dispatched by the new rulers of Zembla to kill the exiled King Charles. Gradus makes his way from Zembla through Europe and America to New Wye, suffering comic mishaps. In the terminal note, to the missing line chiliad, Kinbote narrates how Gradus killed Shade by mistake.

Towards the cease of the narrative, Kinbote all just states that he is in fact the exiled King Charles, living incognito; notwithstanding, enough details throughout the story, every bit well equally direct statements of ambiguous sincerity by Kinbote towards the novel's end, suggest that Rex Charles and Zembla are both fictitious. In the latter interpretation, Kinbote is delusional and has built an elaborate picture of Zembla complete with samples of a constructed language as a by-product of insanity; similarly, Gradus was simply an unhinged homo trying to kill Shade, and his backstory as a revolutionary assassinator is also made up.

In an interview, Nabokov later said that Kinbote killed himself after finishing the book.[fourteen] The critic Michael Woods has stated, "This is authorial trespassing, and we don't accept to pay attention to it",[15] only Brian Boyd has argued that internal evidence points to Kinbote's suicide.[16] One of Kinbote's annotations to Shade's poem (corresponding to line 493) addresses the subject area of suicide at some length.

Caption of the title [edit]

As Nabokov pointed out himself,[17] the title of John Shade's poem is from Shakespeare's Timon of Athens: "The moon's an arrant thief, / And her pale fire she snatches from the lord's day" (Deed Iv, scene iii), a line oftentimes taken equally a metaphor about creativity and inspiration. Kinbote quotes the passage only does not recognize it, every bit he says he has access but to an inaccurate Zemblan translation of the play "in his Timonian cave", and in a carve up note he fifty-fifty rails against the mutual practise of using quotations as titles.

Some critics accept noted a secondary reference in the volume's title to Hamlet, where the Ghost remarks how the glow-worm "'gins to pale his uneffectual burn down" (Act I, scene v).[eighteen]

The title is showtime mentioned in the foreword: "I recollect seeing him from my porch, on a vivid forenoon, burning a whole stack of [alphabetize cards of drafts of the poem] in the pale fire of the incinerator...".

Initial reception [edit]

According to Norman Folio, Pale Burn excited as diverse criticism every bit any of Nabokov'south novels.[19] Mary McCarthy's review[20] was extremely laudatory; the Vintage edition excerpts it on the front cover.[21] She tried to explicate hidden references and connections. Dwight Macdonald responded by saying the book was "unreadable" and both it and McCarthy'due south review were as pedantic as Kinbote.[22] Anthony Burgess, like McCarthy, extolled the book,[23] while Alfred Chester condemned it equally "a full wreck".[24]

Some other early on reviews were less decided,[25] praising the book's satire and one-act but noting its difficulty and finding its field of study slight[26] [27] or proverb that its artistry offers "but a kibitzer's pleasance".[28] Macdonald called the reviews he had seen, other than McCarthy's, "charily unfavorable".[22] Time magazine's 1962 review stated that "Stake Fire does not really cohere every bit a satire; good as it is, the novel in the end seems to be mostly an exercise in agility – or mayhap in bewilderment",[29] though this did non forbid Time from including the book in its 2005 listing of the 100 best English-language novels published since 1923.[30]

The first Russian translation of the novel, ane created by Véra Nabokov, its dedicatee, was published in 1983 by Ardis in Ann Arbor, Michigan[31] (Alexei Tsvetkov initially played an important role in this translation[32]).

Later Nabokov'southward reputation was rehabilitated in the Soviet Spousal relationship[33] (his novels started being published there in 1986[34] and the first book composed entirely of Nabokov'due south works was printed in 1988[35]), Pale Fire was published in 1991 in Sverdlovsk (in Sergei Ilyin's Russian translation).[36]

Interpretations [edit]

Some readers concentrate on the apparent story, focusing on traditional aspects of fiction such as the relationship among the characters.[37] [38] In 1997, Brian Boyd published a much-discussed written report[39] arguing that the ghost of John Shade influenced Kinbote'southward contributions. He expanded this essay into a book in which he too argues that, in order to trigger Shade's poem, Hazel Shade's ghost induced Kinbote to recount his Zemblan delusions to Shade.[40]

Some readers, starting with Mary McCarthy[20] and including Boyd, Nabokov'due south annotator Alfred Appel,[41] and D. Barton Johnson,[42] see Charles Kinbote every bit an alter-ego of the insane Professor V. Botkin, to whose delusions John Shade and the remainder of the kinesthesia of Wordsmith College generally condescend. Nabokov himself endorsed this reading, stating in an interview in 1962 (the novel'southward year of publication) that Pale Fire "is full of plums that I proceed hoping somebody will find. For case, the nasty commentator is not an ex-King of Zembla nor is he professor Kinbote. He is professor Botkin, or Botkine, a Russian and a madman."[17] The novel's intricate construction of teasing cross-references leads readers to this "plum". The Alphabetize, supposedly created by Kinbote, features an entry for a "Botkin, V.," describing this Botkin as an "American scholar of Russian descent"—and referring to a notation in the Commentary on line 894 of Shade's verse form, in which no such person is direct mentioned just a character suggests that "Kinbote" is "a kind of anagram of Botkin or Botkine". In this interpretation, "Gradus" the murderer is an American named Jack Grey who wanted to kill Judge Goldsworth, whose house "Pale Fire's" commentator—whatever his "true" name is—is renting. Goldsworth had condemned Grey to an asylum from which he escaped before long before mistakenly killing Shade, who resembled Goldsworth.

Other readers encounter a story quite dissimilar from the apparent narrative. "Shadeans" maintain that John Shade wrote not only the poem, but the commentary as well, having invented his own death and the character of Kinbote every bit a literary device. According to Boyd,[39] Andrew Field invented the Shadean theory[43] and Julia Bader expanded it;[44] Boyd himself espoused the theory for a fourth dimension.[45] In an alternative version of the Shadean theory, Tiffany DeRewal and Matthew Roth argued that Kinbote is not a separate person but is a dissociated, alternative personality of John Shade.[46] (An early reviewer had mentioned that "a example might be made" for such a reading.)[47] "Kinboteans", a decidedly smaller grouping, believe that Kinbote invented the existence of John Shade. Boyd[39] credits the Kinbotean theory to Folio Stegner[48] and adds that nearly of its adherents are newcomers to the volume. Some readers see the book as oscillating undecidably between these alternatives, like the Rubin vase (a cartoon that may be two profiles or a goblet).[49] [fifty] [51]

Though a minority of commentators believe or at least accept the possibility that Zembla is as "real" as New Wye,[four] almost presume that Zembla, or at least the operetta-quaint and homosexually gratified palace life enjoyed by Charles Kinbote before he is overthrown, is imaginary in the context of the story. The name "Zembla" (taken from "Nova Zembla", a erstwhile latinization of Novaya Zemlya)[52] may evoke popular fantasy literature almost royalty such as The Prisoner of Zenda.[28] [53] As in other Nabokov books, all the same, the fiction is an exaggerated or comically distorted version of his own life[ citation needed ] every bit a son of privilege before the Russian Revolution and an exile subsequently,[54] and the key murder has resemblances (emphasized by Priscilla Meyer[55]) to Nabokov's father's murder by an assassin who was trying to kill someone else.

Still other readers de-emphasize any sort of "real story" and may incertitude the being of such a affair. In the interplay of allusions and thematic links, they observe a multifaceted prototype of English literature,[55] criticism,[49] or glimpses of a higher world and an afterlife.[56]

Allusions and references [edit]

The first two lines of John Shade's 999-line poem, "Pale Fire", have become Nabokov's most quoted couplet:

I was the shadow of the waxwing slain
By the false azure in the window pane

Similar many of Nabokov's fictions, Stake Fire alludes to others of his. "Hurricane Lolita" is mentioned, and Pnin appears as a minor character. There are many resemblances to "Ultima Thule" and "Solus Rex",[57] two short stories by Nabokov intended to be the first two chapters of a novel in Russian that he never connected. The placename Thule appears in Stake Burn, as does the phrase solus rex (a chess trouble in which one player has no pieces but the rex).

The book is also full of references to culture, nature, and literature. They include:

  • Bobolink
  • Maud Bodkin
  • The Brothers Karamazov
  • Robert Browning, including "My Last Duchess" and Pippa Passes (inspired in a wood near Dulwich[58])
  • Cedar, including a vernacular American meaning, juniper[59]
  • Ben Chapman. Some take said the newspaper headline "Ruddy Sox Beat Yanks 5–4 On Chapman'due south Homer" was 18-carat[threescore] and "[u]nearthed by Nabokov in the stacks of the Cornell Library",[61] simply others take stated no such game occurred.[62] [63] Withal, a different role player, Sam Chapman of the Philadelphia Athletics, did hit a home run in the 9th inning on September 29, 1938, to defeat the Yankees, five–4.[64] Another histrion, Ray Chapman of the Cleveland Indians, was the only person killed in a Major League baseball game, dying later on being struck in the head by a ball thrown by a Yankees pitcher.
  • Charles Two of England
  • Charles VI of France, known as Charles the Well-Beloved and Charles the Mad[sixty]
  • Disa orchid and the collywobbles Erebia disa and E. embla (which may lead to Disa and Embla[55])
  • T. Due south. Eliot and Iv Quartets
  • "Der Erlkönig"
  • Et in Arcadia ego
  • Thomas Flatman
  • Edsel Ford (poet) and the poem "The Image of Desire"[65]
  • Forever Amber [66]
  • Robert Frost and the poems "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" and maybe "Of a Wintertime'southward Evening"[67]
  • Oliver Goldsmith
  • Gradus ad Parnassum
  • Gutnish
  • Thomas Hardy and the poem "Friends Beyond" (for the word "stillicide")[60]
  • Bret Harte and his graphic symbol Colonel Starbottle[65]
  • Hebe and the verse form "Vesennyaya Groza" ("Leap Thunderstorm") past Fyodor Tyutchev[68]
  • Sherlock Holmes and "The Adventure of the Empty House"[69]
  • A Hero of Our Time
  • A. E. Housman, including "To an Athlete Dying Young"
  • In Memoriam A.H.H.
  • Foreign Instance of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde [58]
  • Samuel Johnson, James Boswell, Boswell's Life of Johnson and Hodge
  • James Joyce
  • Kalevala
  • John Keats, including La Belle Dame sans Merci[lxx]
  • The Konungs skuggsjá or Royal Mirror
  • Krummholz
  • Jean de La Fontaine and "The Emmet and the Grasshopper" (or cicada)
  • Franklin Knight Lane
  • Angus McDiarmid or MacDiarmid, author of Striking and Picturesque Delineations... [71]
  • The Magi, including Balthasar and Melchior
  • Novaya Zemlya
  • Papilio nitra (now P. zelicaon nitra) and P. indra
  • Parthenocissus
  • Edgar Allan Poe and the poem "To One in Paradise" (for the phrase "Dim gulf")[sixty]
  • Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift
  • Marcel Proust
  • François Rabelais
  • Red admiral butterfly, Vanessa atalanta
  • Alberto Santos-Dumont
  • Walter Scott, including "Glenfinlas, or Lord Ronald's Coronach",[58] "The Lady of the Lake", and The Pirate
  • Robert Southey, in particular, the Poet Laureate's rivalry to Lord Byron as alluded to in the latter's Don Juan dedication
  • Speyeria diana and S. atlantis
  • Thormodus Torfaeus
  • Waxwing
  • Pierinae
  • Word golf
  • William Wordsworth, including "The River Wye", and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, including "Kubla Khan"
  • Lev Yashin, a "stupendous Dynamo goalkeeper"

See besides The Ambidextrous Universe, a later book referencing Pale Burn which in turn triggered a reciprocal response in a subsequent Nabokov novel (Ada, 1969).

In popular civilization [edit]

  • The 1996 X-Files episode Jose Chung'due south From Outer Space features a brute named "Lord Kinbote". Nabokov is the favourite writer of the episode'southward writer Darin Morgan.
  • In the 2017 moving picture Blade Runner 2049 the device performing a "Post-Trauma Baseline Test" on Ryan Gosling'south character "K" quotes lines 703–707 of the verse form. A copy of the book is also shown in K's apartment, and in another scene where One thousand is being queried almost his memories by Lieutenant Joshi.
  • In the 2018 movie Unsane, the main grapheme claims Stake Fire as her favorite book.
  • Published in 2020, My Dark Vanessa refers to this book, specifically lines 269-274, when her teacher/abuser shows this stanza to her, calling his student, whose proper noun is Vanessa, "my night Vanessa" only like the poem did.

References [edit]

  1. ^ Boyd, Brian. "Shade and shape in pale burn". world wide . Retrieved 2021-09-thirty . {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-condition (link)
  2. ^ Walter, Brian. "Synthesizing creative delight: the lesson of pale fire". . Retrieved 2021-09-xxx . {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-condition (link)
  3. ^ Roth, Matthew (2015). "THE COMPOSITION OF NABOKOV'S Stake Fire" (PDF). Nabokov Online Journal. Ix.
  4. ^ a b Tammi, Pekka (1995). "Pale Burn down". In Vladimir East. Alexandrov (ed.). The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Garland Publishing. pp. 571–585. ISBN0-8153-0354-viii.
  5. ^ Boyd, Brian (2002). "Nabokov: A Centennial Toast". In Jane Grayson; Arnold McMillin; Priscilla Meyer (eds.). Nabokov's World. Book 2: Reading Nabokov. Palgrave. p. 11. ISBN0-333-96417-9.
  6. ^ Bloom, Harold (2003). Genius: A Mosaic of One Hundred Exemplary Creative Minds. Yard Central Publishing. ISBN0-446-69129-ane.
  7. ^ Aarseth, Espen (1997). Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature. The Johns Hopkins University Printing. p. 8. ISBN0-8018-5579-9 . Retrieved 2010-04-02 .
  8. ^ McCaffery, Larry (1982). The Metafictional Muse: The Works of Robert Coover, Donald Barthelme, and William H. Gass. University of Pittsburgh Printing. p. 21. ISBN0-8229-3462-0 . Retrieved 2009-09-eighteen .
  9. ^ Waugh, Patricia (January 1984). Metafiction: The Theory and Practise of Cocky-Conscious Fiction. Methuen & Co. pp. 15, 85. ISBN0-416-32630-vii . Retrieved 2009-09-xviii .
  10. ^ Chénetier, Marc (1996). Across Suspicion: New American Fiction Since 1960. University of Pennsylvania Press. p. 74. ISBN978-0-8122-3059-8 . Retrieved 2009-09-18 .
  11. ^ Fowler, Alastair (1989). The History of English language Literature. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. p. 372. ISBN0-674-39664-2.
  12. ^ Wolf, Gary (June 1995). "The Curse of Xanadu". Wired. Vol. three, no. vi. p. v.
  13. ^ Volpone, Annalisa (2009). "'See the Web of the Globe': The (Hyper) Textual Plagiarism in Joyce's Finnegans Wake and Nabokov's Stake Fire" (PDF). Nabokov Online Periodical . Retrieved 2011-05-31 .
  14. ^ Nabokov, Vladimir (1973). Strong Opinions. New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 74. ISBN0-679-72609-8.
  15. ^ Wood, Michael (1994). The Magician'due south Doubts: Nabokov and the Risks of Fiction. Princeton Academy Press. p. 186. ISBN0-691-00632-6.
  16. ^ Boyd, Brian (2001) [1999]. Nabokov's "Stake Fire": The Magic of Artistic Discovery. Princeton University Printing. p. 106. ISBN0-691-08957-iv.
  17. ^ a b Dolbier, Maurice (June 17, 1962). "Books and Authors: Nabokov's Plums". The New York Herald Tribune. p. five.
  18. ^ Grabes, Herbert (1995). "Nabokov and Shakespeare: The English Works". In Vladimir Alexandrov (ed.). The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Garland Publishing, Inc. pp. 509–510. ISBN0-8153-0354-8. See also references therein.
  19. ^ Page, Norman, ed. (1982). Vladimir Nabokov: The Critical Heritage (1997 ed.). Routledge and Kegan Paul. p. 29. ISBN0-415-15916-4 . Retrieved 2008-01-19 .
  20. ^ a b McCarthy, Mary (June iv, 1962). "A Bolt from the Bluish". The New Republic . Retrieved 2018-01-fourteen . Revised version in Mary McCarthy (2002). A Bolt from the Blue and Other Essays. New York: The New York Review of Books. pp. 83–102. ISBN1-59017-010-5.
  21. ^ The quotation is "a cosmos of perfect beauty, symmetry, strangeness... i of the very great works of art of this century".
  22. ^ a b Macdonald, Dwight (Summer 1962). "Virtuosity Rewarded, or Dr. Kinbote'southward Revenge". Partisan Review: 437–442. Partially reprinted in Page, Critical Heritage, pp. 137–140
  23. ^ Burgess, Anthony (Nov 15, 1962). "Nabokov Masquerade". Yorkshire Post. Partially reprinted in Page, Critical Heritage, p. 143.
  24. ^ Chester, Alfred (November 1962). "Pale Burn, past Vladimir Nabokov". Commentary. Reprinted in Chester, Alfred (1992). Looking for Genet: Literary Essays and Reviews . Black Sparrow Press. ISBN0-87685-872-8. Quoted past Page, Disquisitional Heritage, p. 29.
  25. ^ "In an Elaborate Spoof, Nabokov Takes Us to the Never-Never Land of Zembla". 1962. Retrieved 2018-03-04 .
  26. ^ Steiner, George (July 7, 1962). "Review of Pale Fire". Reporter: 42, 44–45. Partially reprinted in Page, Disquisitional Heritage, p. 140.
  27. ^ Dennis, Nigel (November 11, 1962). "It'south Hard to Name This Butterfly!". Sunday Telegraph. p. half-dozen. Reprinted in Page, Disquisitional Heritage, pp. 142–143.
  28. ^ a b Kermode, Frank (November 9, 1962). "Zemblances". New Statesman: 671–672. Reprinted in Page, Critical Heritage, pp. 144–148
  29. ^ "Books: The Russian Box Pull a fast one on". TIME. i June 1962. Archived from the original on January 4, 2007. Retrieved 19 September 2010.
  30. ^ Grossman, Lev (sixteen Oct 2005). "Pale Fire (1962), by Vladimir Nabokov". Fourth dimension. Archived from the original on April 26, 2010. Retrieved 19 September 2010.
  31. ^ ""Бледный огонь" Владимира Набокова Библиография". Набоков В. Бледный огонь. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1983. — Пер. В. Набоковой.
  32. ^ "Набоков в Америке". Алексей Цветков: Я переводил Набокова, но это, надо сказать, довольно печальный эпизод в моей жизни. Скажу очень коротко, что получилось. Я переводил книгу "Бледный огонь" по собственной воле. Когда работу одобрил издатель, я связался с вдовой Набокова Верой. В ходе этой переписки правка достигла такого размера, что я отказался подписывать перевод своим именем. В результате вся работа была передана другому человеку, а в конце концов книга вышла как перевод Веры Набоковой.
  33. ^ Boyd, Brian (1991). Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years . Princeton, New Bailiwick of jersey: Princeton University Printing. p. 662.
  34. ^ "Novelist Nabokov Finally Published in Soviet Union". Los Angeles Times.
  35. ^ "Основные издания произведений Владимира Набокова". Машенька. Защита Лужина. Приглашение на казнь. Другие берега (фрагменты). Романы/ Вступит. статья, составление и комментарий О. Михайлова. - М.: Художественная литература, 1988.
  36. ^ "Основные издания произведений Владимира Набокова". Бледное пламя: Роман и рассказы. Перевод С. Ильина. Свердловск: Независимое издательское предприятие "91", 1991
  37. ^ Modify, Robert (1993). "Autobiography as Alchemy in Stake Burn". Cycnos. 10: 135–41.
  38. ^ Pifer, Ellen (1980). Nabokov and the Novel. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. pp. 110–118.
  39. ^ a b c Boyd, Brian (1997). "Shade and Shape in Pale Fire". Nabokov Studies. iv . Retrieved 2006-09-26 .
  40. ^ Boyd, Magic of Artistic Discovery.
  41. ^ Appel, Alfred Jr., ed. (1991). The Annotated Lolita. New York: Vintage Books. ISBN0-679-72729-9. Appel'south annotations to Lolita too accost Pale Burn down, and "in place of a note on the text", Appel reproduces the last 2 paragraphs of Kinbote'due south foreword, which talk over poetry and commentary.
  42. ^ Johnson, D. Barton (1985). Worlds in Regression: Some Novels of Vladimir Nabokov. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Ardis. ISBN0-88233-908-7.
  43. ^ Field, Andrew (1967). Nabokov: His Life in Art . Boston: Little, Chocolate-brown. pp. 291–332.
  44. ^ Bader, Julia (1972). Crystal State: Artifice in Nabokov's English language Novels . Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 31–56.
  45. ^ Boyd, Brian (1991). Vladimir Nabokov: the American Years. Princeton Academy Printing. pp. 425–456. ISBN0-691-06797-10 . Retrieved 2006-09-25 .
  46. ^ DeRewal, Tiffany; Roth, Matthew (2009). "John Shade'south Indistinguishable Selves: An Alternative Shadean Theory of Pale Fire" (PDF). Nabokov Online Journal. three . Retrieved 2009-11-06 .
  47. ^ Diebold, Michael (May 31, 1962). "The World of Books: An Exercise in Madness". The Pittsburgh Press. p. 9. Retrieved 2010-04-21 .
  48. ^ Stegner, Page (1966). Escape into Aesthetics. New York: Punch.
  49. ^ a b Kernan, Alvin B. (1982). The Imaginary Library: An Essay on Literature and Society . Princeton: Princeton Academy Press. Reprinted as "Reading Zemblan: The Audience Disappears in Stake Fire" in Flower, Harold, ed. (1987). Vladimir Nabokov. New York: Chelsea Business firm. pp. 101–126. ISBN1-55546-279-0.
  50. ^ McHale, Brian (1987). Postmodernist Fiction. London: Routledge. pp. xviii–19. ISBN0-415-04513-four.
  51. ^ See also the athenaeum of NABOKV-50 for December 1997 and January 1998. That mailing list contains many discussions of Pale Fire.
  52. ^ Boyd notes that Swift's Boxing of the Books contains "a malignant deity, call'd Criticism" that "dwelt on the Top of a snowy Mountain in Nova Zembla". Magic of Artistic Discovery, p. 79.
  53. ^ Hornick, Neil; Boyd, Brian (March 10, 2005). "Pale Fire and The Prisoner of Zenda". Retrieved 2008-01-xix . An exchange from NABOKV-Fifty.
  54. ^ Nabokov, Speak, Memory
  55. ^ a b c Meyer, Priscilla (1989). Find What the Sailor Has Hidden: Vladimir Nabokov's Pale Burn down. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press. ISBN0-8195-5206-2.
  56. ^ Moynahan, Julian (1971). Vladimir Nabokov. University of Minnesota Press. pp. forty–45. ISBN0-8166-0600-5 . Retrieved 2010-01-xi .
  57. ^ Boyd (1999) reviews the resemblances.
  58. ^ a b c de Vries, Gerard (1991). "Fanning the Poet'due south Fire: Some Remarks on Nabokov's Pale Fire". Russian Literature Triquarterly. 24: 239–267.
  59. ^ Boyd, Magic of Creative Discovery, pp. 278–279.
  60. ^ a b c d Boyd, Brian (1996). "Notes". In Vladimir Nabokov; Brian Boyd (eds.). Nabokov: Novels 1955–1962: Lolita / Pnin / Pale Fire . Library of America. ISBN1-883011-xix-1.
  61. ^ Appel, Alfred Jr. (1974). Nabokov's Night Picture palace . Oxford Academy Press. p. 30. ISBN0-19-501834-six.
  62. ^ Donohue, Michael (2004-10-31). "Chapman's Homer: Definitive Argument". Mail to NABOKV-50.
  63. ^ Croning, Brian (2011-02-16). "Sports Legend Revealed: Did Vladimir Nabokov work an actual baseball headline into his novel 'Stake Fire'?". Los Angeles Times . Retrieved 2011-02-eighteen .
  64. ^ "Philadelphia Athletics at New York Yankees Box Score, September 28, 1939".
  65. ^ a b Roth, Matthew (2007). "Three Allusions in Pale Fire". The Nabokovian. 58: 53–60.
  66. ^ Boyd, Magic of Creative Discovery, p. 271.
  67. ^ Socher, Abraham (July 1, 2005). "Nabokov". Times Literary Supplement.
  68. ^ Dolinin, Alexander (1995-12-12). "Re: Library of America queries (fwd)". Post to NABOKV-L . Retrieved 2008-09-28 .
  69. ^ Sisson, Jonathan B. (1995). "Nabokov and some Turn-of-the-Century English Writers". In Vladimir E. Alexandrov (ed.). The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov. Garland Publishing. p. 530. ISBN0-8153-0354-8.
  70. ^ Shvabrin, Stanislav. "Nabokov's 'La Belle Dame sans Merci': A Study in the Ideals and Furnishings of Literary Adaptation," Comparative Literature 65.1 (2013), pp. 117–118.
  71. ^ McDiarmid, Angus (1815). Striking and picturesque delineations of the grand, beautiful, wonderful, and interesting scenery around Loch-Earn. John Moir. Retrieved 2008-09-28 .

External links [edit]

  • Summary of a radio accommodation of Pale Fire broadcast in 2004 by BBC Radio 3
  • Criticism (at Zembla, web site of the International Vladimir Nabokov Society). Contains a chronology of Stake Fire and many essays about it, forth with other writing on Nabokov'southward works.
  • Interactive Hypermedia Pale Burn likened to Bach fugue and butterfly [Shockwave Player required]


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